on the face of it
on the face of it为短语/超纲词汇
近义词, 同义词
1. Every time a packet left her hands, the hateful yellow face of the officer who had taken her son away flared up in her mind. 每当一小捆传单从她手中发出去时,她的脑海中就会闪现出那个把她儿子带走的军官那张可恶的黄色的脸。
2. Bill: Wow! You´re right! That´s really funky You´re got some growth on your face, too, don´t you? 比尔:噢!你说得对!那真是独特!你脸上也长些东西,不是吗?
3. By then, I was flat on my face on the pathway, its dirt against my forehead. 这时,我已面朝下趴在了地上,地上的尘土紧贴着我的前额。
4. But then Sam lets go of the swing. He flies into the air and lands face down in the dirt. 但就在此时,山姆从秋千上飞了出去,脸朝下摔在地上。
5. We have to face facts. 我必须面对事实。
6. We are willing to face any hardship or peril. 我们愿意面对任何艰难和危险。
7. When he got there he found the clock so high up that he could not see the figures on the face distinctly. 走到钟下时,他发现钟挂得太高了。他根本没有办法看清楚钟面上的数字。
8. We looked at old Maggie and saw that her poor face was as white as a sheet. 我们看着老马吉,她那张脸看上去像纸一样白。
9. When at last he turned, sweat streaming down his face and into his neckerchief, the creature had gone. 最后当他终于回过头看时,汗水顺着脸流了下来,流到了他的围巾里,那只动物已经走开了。
10. When I am finished, I pull a chair up beside the bed to face her and, taking her free hand between mine, again notice the long, thin fingers. 而后,我挪了把椅子面朝她坐在床边,握住她那只空闲的手,此时我又一次注意到她那细长的手指。